Rise From Depression & Live In The NOW | Come Out of The Record Room of Your Mind


This series is perfect for anyone seeking practical strategies to overcome depression and anxiety, and for those wanting to cultivate a more present and joyous life. Join us on this journey from darkness to light and unlock your potential for happiness and well-being.

For optimal focus while engaging with this series, we suggest using Wild Yam Butter. This natural product can help enhance your concentration, allowing you to fully benefit from the course content.



Title: “Reclaim Your Joy: Rising from Depression and Embracing the Now”

Description: In this transformative two-part video series, “Reclaim Your Joy: Rising from Depression and Embracing the Now,” discover powerful insights and practical tools to overcome depression and anxiety. Over the course of 1+ hour in each video, you will explore:

  • Understanding Depression: Learn what depression is and how it affects the mind and body.
  • The Mind’s Record Room: Understand how our minds retrieve past memories that lead to depression and future anxieties.
  • Living in the NOW: Discover the significance of the present moment as the space where all new creation begins.
  • Practical Exercises: Engage in fun and effective exercises designed to help you recognize when you’re in the “record room” of your mind and guide you back to the present.
  • Manifestation Techniques: Learn how to align with the present to allow your manifestations to flow effortlessly into your life.

Whether you’re struggling with depression or simply looking to enhance your emotional well-being, these videos provide the guidance and tools you need to reclaim your joy and live a fulfilling, present-focused life.

Title: “From Darkness to Light: Tools for Overcoming Depression and Living in the Present”

Description: “From Darkness to Light: Tools for Overcoming Depression and Living in the Present” is a comprehensive two-part video series designed to help you rise from depression and embrace the power of the present moment. Each 1+ hour video covers:

  • Depression Demystified: Gain a clear understanding of what depression is and how it influences your thoughts and emotions.
  • The Record Room Concept: Explore the metaphor of the mind’s record room, where past memories trigger depression and future concerns fuel anxiety.
  • Entering the NOW: Learn techniques to shift your focus from past and future to the present, where true creation and healing occur.
  • Interactive Exercises: Participate in engaging exercises that teach you to identify when you’re stuck in the record room and how to bring yourself back to the now.
  • Flow and Manifestation: Discover how living in the present enhances your ability to manifest your desires and achieve a state of flow.

This series is perfect for anyone seeking practical strategies to overcome depression and anxiety, and for those wanting to cultivate a more present and joyous life. Join us on this journey from darkness to light and unlock your potential for happiness and well-being.


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