
Digestive Enzymes for Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Highly Beneficial Fruit for Detox Phase #1


Experience digestive health on a new level. This harmonious fusion of tropical flavors not only tantalizes your taste buds but also serves as a powerful ally in supporting your body through Detox Phase #1 of various digestive challenges, including:

  1. Heartburn Relief: Experience soothing relief as this digestive enzyme powder gently alleviates the discomfort of heartburn, allowing you to savor your meals without worry.
  2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Management: Our organic blend offers relief to those battling IBS, helping to restore balance and comfort to your gastrointestinal system.
  3. Chron’s Disease Support: For those facing the challenges of Crohn’s Disease, our Pineapple, Key Limes, and Papaya Powder provides a ray of hope, offering a delicious way to supplement your journey to well-being.
  4. Celiac’s Disease Aid: This powder embraces your digestive system with its soothing properties, ensuring you can enjoy food with peace of mind.
  5. Ulcerative Colitis Comfort: Embrace a more comfortable life with Ulcerative Colitis as our specialized blend gently nurtures your gut, promoting digestive harmony.

Elevate your wellness journey with this tropical blend, designed to not only address digestive concerns but also to bring a burst of delicious flavor to your daily routine. Your digestive health deserves nothing less!

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2.5 oz of Freeze Dried Pineapple, Papaya & Key Lime Powder

Rich in Bromelain, Vitamin A& C, Papaya Enzymes, & Anti Parasitic.

Great for flavoring drinks, boosting immunity, heart heath, clear skin & eyes while supporting digestion.

Indulge in this organic blend of our Pineapple, Key Lime, and Papaya Powder – a natural elixir crafted to nurture your digestive well-being.

Directions: add two spoons (spoon included) to a 16.9oz bottle of water bottle. Drink between meals.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 oz


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