The two most important days in your life are
the day you are born and the day you find out why.


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Welcome to the realm of consciousness exploration and personal growth! If you’ve ever wondered the different levels of consciousness, you’ve arrived at the perfect destination. Each individual is on a unique journey, and the expansion of consciousness is an ongoing process, encompassing various aspects such as health and wellness, skin balance, mental clarity, self-mastery, and intentional creation versus creating by default. It’s a transformative lifestyle, and you’ve found the perfect starting point for your own evolution.

Allow Bridgétte Réaux to be your guiding light on this journey of unfoldment. As an herbalist, researcher, author, publisher, and inspirational speaker, Bridgétte Réaux was raised in soulful city of New Orleans, Louisiana. From a young age, Bridgétte felt compelled to write her first book, inspired by messages from a higher power that spoke to her through vivid dreams.

For a considerable period, Bridgétte embarked on a journey to discover her life’s purpose. It was only when her health was compromised and pushed to the limit that she experienced a radical shift. Embracing a healthier dietary lifestyle ignited a spiritual journey, which ultimately led her to find a harmonious balance in life, mental clarity, and a profound love and appreciation for herself, empowering her in the present day.

Driven by her newfound clarity and purpose, Bridgétte established Salt of the Earth Publishing. The company’s mission is to inspire others to embrace their full potential by shedding emotional baggage and releasing toxic lifestyles that merely mask their true selves. Through this transformative process, another unfoldment took place. Bridgétte discovered that her clients shared many of the same qualities and weaknesses based upon their blood type.  Bridgétte then begin to consult with her clients to teach them more about themselves based upon their blood type and the results were profound. They attained mental clarity, self-love, and a deep sense of empowerment. Guided by her dreams yet again, Bridgétte was then compelled to create products to share with the world—products that are tailored for each person’s blood type and that embody her wealth of knowledge and renew the essence of life.

“I am immensely grateful to my Creator, Source Energy, and my higher self for keeping me aligned with my Source,” Bridgétte expresses with heartfelt appreciation. She vividly recalls the days when she wept and the tears filled her closet as she questioned Source Energy about the challenges she faced. Today, she joyfully understands that her journey has prepared her to be in the best possible position to help others, and so shall it BE.

Bridgétte Réaux



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Unlock the true potential of nature with "Just Be" products, meticulously crafted to enhance your well-being. Our exclusive range is carefully formulated to provide an array of minerals and amino acids, vital elements that are essential for maintaining the integrity of your DNA. Immerse yourself in the abundance of nature's goodness, as our products boast a symphony of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. These potent elements work in harmony to bestow remarkable health benefits upon your body, skin, and hair, elevating your overall vitality to new heights, welcoming a radiant and healthier you!

We take pride in creating a product line that breathes life into every aspect of your being.

Please note that our products are intended to enhance your well-being and are not intended to treat, or cure any disease.

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